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Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Collect and Monitor Sensor Data

If you’re investing in technology to provide immediate feedback, why not also invest in a platform that allows you to use the data for efficient decision-making? At oil and gas facilities, cameras and sensors output data at lightning speeds—and it must be managed in order to keep operations smoothly. Watch how a company could use Microsoft Azure to help meet its goal.

Protect your company with security solutions from Microsoft

Every company needs to have an up-to-date security strategy. Especially small businesses. Want to secure your customers’ sensitive data? We’ve got you covered.

Contact our team at Digital Resolutions Limited to learn how we can build your customers’ defense strategy with sophisticated phishing and ransomware protection.

Customer story: Jack’s Diving Locker

Did you know that technology is helping to protect and save our oceans? With #cloud security and communication tools, @JacksDiveLocker has exponentially increased their outreach and education efforts to keep our oceans healthy and thriving.

Want to see how the latest #security tools can help grow your business? Contact our team at Digital Resolutions Limited to get started today!

Technology’s Impact on Employee Experience: Balancing Overload Versus Enablement

How does technology enhance an employee’s experience? How does it hinder it?

You can lead the way in providing a balanced work environment. With #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, show your employees how to make technology work for them so their teams stay more connected and productive with tools that make it easy and fun to work together.

Read this article for more. And contact us to help you get started.

Technology’s Impact on Employee Experience: Balancing Overload Versus Enablement

How does technology enhance an employee’s experience? How does it hinder it?

You can lead the way in providing a balanced work environment. With #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, show your employees how to make technology work for them so their teams stay more connected and productive with tools that make it easy and fun to work together.

Read this article for more. And contact us to help you get started.

Customer Story: Clifton Coffee Recap

Before you can build the business of your dreams, you have to get one thing right: internal communication. With new digital tools available in Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, teams can easily chat and connect across devices and locations.

And when company information is organized in tools like #OneNote and #Planner, sharing files and working together on documents has never been easier.

Contact us to learn what else you can do with our #Microsoft #Teamworksolutions.

Unblocking Workplace Collaboration: 5 Tools and Strategies

Do your customers want to #communicate and #collaborate more effectively? We can help. Check out this handy guide for more on how customers can make the most out of their workday.

Unfortunately, many modern organizations suffer from communication breakdowns and inefficient collaboration methods. Luckily for your customers, this guide can help pave the way for an easier

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