The Cloud

Digital Resolutions has been providing IT Support and Consultancy since 2006 in what is a fast moving industry.  One of the most fundamental changes in that time has been the shift to cloud computing and the advent of cloud platforms and for some clients the savings and efficiencies of cloud IT are there for the taking.

At its most basic, cloud IT is a collection of technologies that provide IT infrastructure in the cloud on a flexible subscription basis, allowing the data and applications businesses require to be provided to an increasingly dispersed workforce and to users at home or on the road.

Recent advances in cloud back-up and recovery technology mean that the prohibitively expensive online backup services, that were previously the reserve of large organisations, are now readily accessible to provide fully automated, secure and off-site backup at a highly competitive price.  With our cloud backup and recovery solution installed you can be confident that in the event of a disaster, your business can be back up and running quickly.

Our team have the knowledge and experience to guide our clients on their road to the cloud and in particular we are specialists in Office 365, Microsoft Azure and Cloud Backup.

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